1 General

Eugene Owusu-Frempong e. K. (hereinafter “Eugene Owusu-Frempong”) is registered in Germany under the registration number D-W-107-6XKC-90. Following a preliminary discussion with interested customers (hereinafter “customer” or “you”), Eugene Owusu-Frempong refers the customer to the financial service providers. Based on the customer’s request, an overview of the various financial service products is transmitted by providing comparison offers. For this purpose, the customer must fill out a form with which targeted financial service products can be created according to the desired services.

Based on the pre-filled form, Eugene Owusu-Frempong will refer you to a co-operating financial service provider who is eligible for the desired services. The selection of the available financial service providers and the financial service products offered by the providers, as well as the methods used to determine the providers in question, are the sole responsibility of Eugene Owusu-Frempong.


The actual offers of the financial service providers may deviate in individual cases from the individual tariffs or conditions calculated and made available via Eugene Owusu-Frempong due to certain individual constellations. The financial service providers are solely responsible for the content and correctness of the offers.

 The term “customer or you” refers to the respective user or viewer of our website. If you continue to browse and use the Website, you agree to comply with and be bound by these Terms, our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy (collectively “Terms of Use”). If you do not agree to any part of these Terms of Use, please do not use our website.


2. contractual partner

Eugene Owusu-Frempong acts only as an intermediary between you and the financial services company. No contractual relationship is established between you and Eugene Owusu-Frempong through the retrieval of content; the content does not constitute an offer that can be accepted by you without further declaration by Eugene Owusu-Frempong. Eugene Owusu-Frempong cannot guarantee or influence the acceptance or the conclusion of a specific contract with a financial services provider. This is decided on a case-by-case basis solely by the respective financial services company.

3. intended use

Our website is intended exclusively for commercial use or by natural persons resident in countries that fulfil the legal and contractual requirements for the use of the services offered by Eugene Owusu-Frempong. The data, information or other content on the Website (collectively, “Content”) may not comply with the legal requirements of locations outside of Germany. Data for commercial real estate financing and other financing products are transmitted solely to the internet-based brokerage platform FinLoop AG for the purpose of preparing offer proposals. For details, please refer directly to the GTC of FinLoop AG.


4. no advice

The services and contents of Eugene Owusu-Frempong do not constitute investment, legal or tax advice. In particular, the contents on real estate and mortgages are not to be understood as individual advice or recommendation. Investing in real estate involves various risks. Therefore, it may be necessary to consult a professional advisor on financial, tax and/or legal matters. It is your own responsibility to ensure that any products, services or information available through this website meet your specific requirements.


5. disclaimer

The data, information and documents originate exclusively from the financial service providers themselves, which are provided by Eugene Owusu-Frempong without any guarantee for their content and the resulting information and calculations. Furthermore, Eugene Owusu-Frempong does not guarantee the correctness and completeness of the data material, that all financial service providers on the market are included in the comparative calculation. The data determined based on the customer inquiry is forwarded directly and as promptly as possible to the financial service providers selected in each case. However, Eugene Owusu-Frempong cannot guarantee the correct, complete and timely transmission of the data, nor can it guarantee the transmission of offers from the financial service providers to you. The use of the services offered by Eugene Owusu-Frempong is in any case at your own risk. Liability on the part of Eugene Owusu-Frempong is excluded insofar as Eugene Owusu-Frempong or one of its legal representatives or vicarious agents is not responsible for intent or gross negligence. In this respect, your rights remain unaffected.


Unless otherwise expressly stipulated by mandatory statutory provisions and/or contractual provisions, Eugene Owusu-Frempong accepts no liability for the completeness, up-to-dateness and/or correctness of the content. Furthermore, Eugene Owusu-Frempong does not guarantee that the website can be used without problems and/or is free of malware. Eugene Owusu-Frempong may discontinue, suspend and/or change the operation of or access to the Website, in whole or in part, at any time and without notice.

6. Third-party content

Responsibility for third-party content linked to our website lies with the operator of such content. We assume no liability for the completeness, timeliness and/or accuracy of third-party content. We have checked the third-party content with due diligence for illegal content. Subsequent changes are usually not considered. If we become aware of indications of illegal content, we will check the third-party content and remove it from the website if necessary.


7. copyrights

The contents presented on the website (texts, images and graphics) are subject to copyright and ancillary copyright. Any reproduction, distribution, presentation or other exploitation (collectively “exploitation”) is only permitted in compliance with this legal framework. As a rule, any kind of exploitation requires the prior consent of the respective rights holder. The website may not be linked from third-party websites without the prior consent of Eugene Owusu-Frempong.

8. Data protection and confidentiality

Your data will be collected, stored and used exclusively in accordance with the provisions of the Basic Data Protection Regulation and the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG-neu) for the purpose of fulfilling the contract.

The financial service provider undertakes towards Eugene Owusu-Frempong and towards you to handle the transmitted data and information confidentially.


9 Contractual language and place of jurisdiction

German is the language of all contracts and all legal relationships are subject to the law of the Federal Republic of Germany to the exclusion of international private law. The place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from or in connection with an order placed with Eugene Owusu-Frempong is, insofar as this is legally permissible, the registered office in Berlin. Eugene Owusu-Frempong also has the right to sue you at your place of residence or registered office.

10. final provisions

We may change the provisions of these GTC at any time and without prior notice. If at any time any provision of the TOS is or becomes illegal, invalid or unenforceable in any respect under the laws of any jurisdiction, neither the legality, validity or enforceability of any other provision of the TOS nor the legality, validity or enforceability under the laws of any other jurisdiction will in any way be affected. Your use of the Site and any dispute arising out of such use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Germany, excluding its conflicts of laws principles.